Product Information -➔ Boron is an essential micronutrient required for all plant growth and must remain available for plant uptake throughout the period of plant growth.➔ Vision Boron is the purest form of boron available for use in agriculture.➔ It is 100% water soluble and can be used in foliar sprays. ➔ Boron deficiency all over India This product particularly affects the finish and appearance of vegetables and fruits.➔ Vision Boron can be used on all crops, but cotton, potatoes, wheat, Highly beneficial for horticultural crops like oilseeds, onion, apple, mango, lemon, cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, brinjal, beans etc. Recommended crops - All types of vegetables, fruits, tea plantation, coffee, Pulses and cash crops Dosage -1 gram per liter of water,15 grams per 15-litre pump,Spray 150 grams per acre. 250 grams per acre through drip/drenching.