Geolife Nutri Fert NPK Fertilizer 00:52:34, Water Soluble, Proper Flowering And best for creating attractive colors.GeoLife Nutrifert NPK Fertilizer 00:52:34 It is rich in water soluble phosphorus and potash. It is a pre-bloom and post-bloom fertilizer. Suitable for applications. Absence of nitrogen promotes more flowering than vegetation, thereby increasing C:N ratio for proper flowering and attractive color formation. Used.Geolife Nutrifert NPK Fertilizer 00:52:34 It has many benefits.➜ It is completely soluble in water. It can be used for both fertigation and foliar spray, as it supplies P and K during crop growth stages. When nitrogen is not required.➜ Except Bordeaux and plant growth promoters and regulators, it is compatible with most commonly used insecticides and fungicides.➜ It is suitable for grape, cucumber , proven effective in controlling fungal diseases (such as powdery mildew) on mango, roses and other plants.➜ High phosphorus promotes flower and fruit setting, uniform growth and size of developing fruits. Maintains moisture, reduces flower and fruit drop, and improves yield and quality.➜ Potash is important for fruit formation, and transfer of heavy metals such as iron to crop quality and yield. Improves maturity of seeds.➜ It increases resistance of plants to moisture, stress, heat, frost and disease. Recommended crops - All crops (fruits, flowers, vegetables, cereals, pulses, Spices) Method of use - spray/drip Quantity - Spray with 1.3 gm/litre water 20 gm/pump (15 liter pump)200 gm/acre