IFC SCUBA Formula 9 (Seaweed Extract) Information - IFC SCUBA Formula 9 Tonic is a type of seaweed extract growth promoter, which helps in enhancing plant growth and development. It promotes stronger plant roots, better flowering and overall crop growth, while also providing essential nutrients and biological stimulation. It is composed of protein hydrolyzate 20%, seaweed extract 1%, excipients 79%. Its organic formulation improves crop growth, yield, and quality. Product NameIFC SCUBA Formula 9Product ContentsProtein Hydrolyzate 20%, Seaweed Extract 1%, Excipients 79% Company NameIndian Farmer Company (IFC)Product's CategoryGrowth PromoterMethod of ProductSystemic Use in cropsAll cropsTime of UseAll Status Use inUsage quantity1.5 ml per liter. 25 ml/pump (15 liter pump)250 ml/acre sprayingContent/chemical composition of IFC SCUBA Formula 9 -IFC SCUBA Formula 9 Tonic contains protein hydrolyzate 20%, seaweed extract 1%, excipients 79%. Its use leads to complete development of the crop, which increases crop production. Product Function -Spraying IFC Scooba Formula 9 Tonic on plant leaves It is used as, and its absorption occurs through the plant's translocation/transport system. Enriched with hydrolyzed protein complex and active enzymes, upon absorption enhances biochemical reactions within plant cells, thereby enhancing photosynthesis process in the plant and overall plant growth. Product Features and Benefits :➔ This tonic enhances the growth of strong plant roots to better absorb nutrients and moisture, thereby enhancing the plant's grow and remain healthy.➔It helps in the process of photosynthesis of plants. Promotes, which leads to overall development of plants. ➔It develops the roots of the plants and provides strength to the plant. ➔Its use results in more branching, increase in the number of flowers and fruits in plants. ➔It increases the resistance of the plant so that it can withstand adverse weather conditions. ➔Its use does not have any harmful effects on humans, animals, and the environment. ➔Its use increases both the quality and production of the crop. Usage quantity - Name of cropsUse stageQuantity/acre Complete cropPlant growth, flowering and fruit development stage